here and there

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Empty Tomb Roll

Empty Tomb Rolls are an awesome way to explore the mystery of Easter and Resurrection 

The symbolism of the Empty Tomb rolls
Marshmallow - the body of Jesus
Butter- the anointing oils
Cinnamon- the anointing spices 
Dough- the shroud of Jesus
Oven- the tomb
Empty Rolls- the mystery of resurrection

This is the second year, I have baked these rolls and as much wonder to the disappearance of the marshmallow as last year! "Where did it go?"

Basically, melt butter to dip the large marshmallows and then a bowl with sugar and cinnamon to dip the buttered marshmallow 

Small pieces of dough are wrapped tightly around the marshmallow.. Yes, it is difficult to do as the butter makes it slippery.  

Where did the marshmallow go! 

Sadly with all the school restrictions, the children were not able to make this in school!

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